Plages and Sunspots: 7/1/24


The Sun on 7/1/24

Object Data

Object type: Sun
Distance: 8 light minutes
Notes: This image captures sunspots and accompanying plages throughout multiple active regions including: AR3722, 3723, 3724, 3727, 3728 and 3730.  Those bright threads of plasma populating the sunspot groups and twisting in the magnetosphere are called "plages".

Exposure Data

Date: 7/1/24
Location: Backyard Observatory, Carlsbad, CA
Telescope: Lunt 100THa solar scope; double stack with 18mm blocking filter.
Camera: FLIR Grasshopper 23S6M videocamera (Sony IMX 174)
Mount: Losmandy G-11 Gemini I
Exposure time:  
Exposure time total:  
Notes: Surface (photosphere) captured at 120 f/s while prominences (chromosphere)captured at 17 f/s.  Registered and stacked 10% of 3000 frames; blended and colorized in PS CC.

Image is inverted so darker colors are cooler areas.  Sunspots, being cooler than the photosphere are dark in this image.


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