Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex


Rho Ophiuchi

Object Data

Object type: Nebula surrounding a multiple star system
Magnitude: 4.63
Constellation: Ophiuchus
Distance: 360 light years
One of the closest star forming regions to our solar system. The nebular complex surrounds Antares and the globular cluster, M4.

Exposure Data

Date: 6/17/23
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Lens: Rokinon 85mm @f/4
Camera: Nikon Z6 with IR/UV cut Ha pass filter; ISO800
Mount: Tripod with MSM camera tracker
Exposure times: 20 x 90 seconds 
Exposure time total: 30 minutes
Cropped and reduced from original.  FOV= 9.8deg x 13.2deg.



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