Exposures and filters: 3 hrs of Ha; and 1.25 hr each of OIII and SII (15 min subexposures) for a total of 5.5 hrs.
Color mapped using the Hubble Palette assigning Hydrogen alpha to Green; doubly ionized oxygen to blue and ionized sulfur to red
FOV =96 x 65 arc minutes
The Cone Nebula (located at the left edge of this image) is an HII emission region in Monoceros. The cone's shape comes from a dark absorption nebula consisting of cold molecular hydrogen and dust blocking a faint background emission nebula. The cone itself is approximately seven light-years long. This wide-field image also shows the Christmas Tree nebula and the Fox Fur nebula as you view from left to right.
Located 2,500 light years away
Reduced 60% from original
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