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M76; Planetary Nebula in Perseus

RA: 01 hrs 42 min; Dec +51 deg 34 min

Date & Site:

Telescope: AT8RC (1625mm fl f/8)

Mount: Losmandy G-11 with Gemini
Camera: ST-10XME; CFW10 with Astrodon Ha, OIII, and SII (3nm) filters;

Autoguiding: Hutech OAG-5 and SBIG guide camera


Exposures and filters: 120 min each of Ha, SII and OIII (10 minute subexposures) for a total of 6hrs.

Color mapped using the Hubble Palette assigning Ha to green, SII to red, and OIII to blue.

Imaged over two evenings during 3rd quarter moon.

FOV = 21.1 x 13.1 arc minutes (cropped 63% of original size)

Wikipedia Notes: M76 was first recognised as a planetary nebula in 1918. However, there is some contention to this claim, as Isaac Roberts in 1891 did suggest that M76 might be similar to the Ring Nebula (M57), being instead as seen from the side view. The structure is now classed as a bipolar planetary nebula. Also known as the Little Dumbbell Nebula because of its resemblance to the The Dumbell Nebula (M27) in Vulpecula. Some consider this object to be one of the faintest and hardest to see objects in Messier's list.


Located 2,500 light years away

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