Exposures: 2 hrs of Ha (15 min subs); 1 hr lum (10 min sub) and 45 min each of RGB (5 min subs) for a total of 5.25 Hrs.
M1 is a supernova remnant. Chinese astronomers first recorded this supernova in 1054; however, its remnant was not observed until 1731 by English astronomer John Bevis. This remnant houses a neutron star or pulsar which is spinning (pulsating) at a rate of 30.2 x per second emitting radiation from gamma and radio waves (Source: Wikipedia).
Since this supernova event in 1054, there have been only 4 supernovae in our galaxy.
Located about 6,500 light years it is expanding at a rate of 1,500 km/second
Field of View = 23 x 15 arc minutes
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