Exposures: 105 min of Ha; 90 min each OIII and SII for a total of 4 hrs 45 min
Color mapped by assigning Ha to Green; OIII to blue and SII to Red
FOV = 58.6 x 39.6 arc minutes
The North America Nebula is a massive emission nebula located close to Deneb in Cygnus. The remarkable shape of the nebula resembles that of the continent of North America. This image highlights the most interesting area - that represented as Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. The Cygnus Wall (bright orange band in photo) rests along what would be the western coast of Mexico . The Wall is an ionization front where UV light from hot, young stars is transforming cold interstellar gas into ionized hydrogen as new stars are created..
1500 light years away
Cropped and reduced 60% from original
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