SH2-114: Flying Dragon Nebula in Cygnus



Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Size: 12' x 6'
Constellation: Cygnus
Distance: unknown
The Flying Dragon is a very faint H2 emission nebula.  The filamentary structure resembles a supernova remnant; however there is no evidence of a supernova in this area of space. The hydrogen cloud near the bottom of the frame is SH2-113.


Exposure Data

Date: 6/7 and 6/8/24
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106N 530mm  at f/5
Camera: ZWO ASI294mm Pro with Antlia Ha (3nm) filter; ZWO OAG with Sti guider,
Mount: Losmandy GM8; Gemini 1
Exposure times: 29 x 15 min
Exposure time total: 7+ hrs
Cropped from original(132' x 84')
FOV: 100 x 70.6 arc min.



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