Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex

Astrobin Top Pick Nomination,  May 2024


Rho Ophiuchi

Object Data

Object type: Reflection Nebula
Size: 4.5 x 6.5 degrees
Constellation: Ophiuchus
Distance: 460 light years
Rho Ophiuchi is a regiod of multiple reflection and dark nebula centered around the star rho Ophuichi.

Exposure Data

Date: 5/4/24
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: Rokinon 135 mm  lens at f/4
Camera: ZWO ASi 294mm pro CMOS camera; 2x2 binned with Astronomik LRGB filters;
STi autoguided.
Mount: Losmandy GM-8; Gemini 1
Exposure times: 9 x 5 min Lum; 8 x 5 min each RGB
Exposure time total: 2hrs 45 min
Reduced to 75% of original;  FOV = 5.36 x 7.83 degrees



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