NGC 7380: The Wizard Nebula in Cepheus


NGC 7380

Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Magnitude: 7.2
Constellation: Cepheus
Distance: 7200 ly 
NGC7380 is the open cluster at the center of this emission nebula.  The nebula itself resembles a wizard.


Exposure Data

Date: 6/7 and 6/8/24
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: DSI RC10c; 1867 mm fl at f/7.3
Camera: FLI 6303e with Astrodon 3nm SHO and RGB filters
Mount: AP 1100 GTO CP3
Exposure times: 13 x 15min Ha, 11 x 15min OIII and 11 x 15min SII; 30 min each RGB for star colors.
Exposure time total: 10+ hrs
Notes: Color mapped using Hubble palette: Red=SII; Green = Ha; Blue = OIII. 

FOV: 50.6 x 34 arc min.



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