NGC5907: Splinter Galaxy in Draco


NGC 5907

Object Data

Object type: Spiral Galaxy
Size: 12.7' x 1.4'
Magnitude: 11
Constellation: Draco
Distance: 50 million ly 
NGC 5907 is an edge-on spiral galaxy sometimes referred to as the Splinter or Knife Edge Galaxy.


Exposure Data

Date: 5/3/24
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: DSI RC10c; 1867 mm fl at f/7.3
Camera: FLI 6303e with Astrodon LRGB filters
Mount: AP 1100 GTO CP3
Exposure times: 13 x 10min of Luminance; 8x5min each RGB
Exposure time total: 4hrs 10 min
FOV: 48.4 x 31.4 arc min.



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