M17: Omega Nebula in Sagittarius



Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Size: 11' or 15 light years diameter
Magnitude: 6
Constellation: Sagittarius
Distance: ~6000 ly
M17 (Omega or Swan Nebula) is an H II region in Sagittarius.  Considered one of the brightest and most massive star-forming regions in the Milky Way. A young open cluster near the center (NGC 6618) ignites nearby hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur forming this bright nebular cloud.

Resting above M17 in this orientation, are IC 4706 and IC 4707.


Exposure Data

Date: 7/5 and 7/6/24
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106N 530mm  at f/5
Camera: ZWO ASI294mm Pro with Antlia Ha, OIII and SII (3nm) filters; ZWO OAG with Sti guider. 2x2 binned
Mount: Losmandy GM8; Gemini 1
Exposure times: Ha: 13 x 15min; OIII 11 x 15 min; SII 8 x 15 min
Exposure time total: 8 hrs

FOV: 112 x 80 arc min.



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