Cederblad 214: Emission Nebula in Cepheus


Cederblad 214

Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Size: 50 x 40 arc min
Magnitude: 317 light years
Constellation: Cepheus
Distance: 3000 ly
Cederblad 214 is part of a larger emission cloud, NGC 7822. Young stars within this giant gas cloud ignite the surrounding gases with strong ionizing ratiation.  The small open cluster near the center is Berkeley 59, where many of these stars reside. This object is entry # 214 of Sven Cederblad's catalog of bright galactic nebula published in 1946.


Exposure Data

Date: 8/324
Location: Lockwood Observatories, Descanso, CA
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106N 530mm  at f/5
Camera: ZWO ASI294mm Pro with Antlia Ha, OIII and SII (3nm) filters; ZWO OAG with Sti guider. 2x2 binned
Mount: Losmandy GM8; Gemini 1
Exposure times: 7 x 15min (1.75 hrs) each of Ha, OIII and SII
Exposure time total: 5.25 hrs

FOV: 132' x 84' (uncropped)



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