The Auriga Nebula


Auriga Nebula

Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Magnitude: 9.2 (IC405)
Constellation: Auriga
Distance: 1500 ly (IC405) - 12,400 ly (IC410) 
The Auriga Nebula encompasses several well-known emission nebula, including IC405 (Flaming Star nebula), IC410 (Tadpoles), and IC417 (Spider nebula) along with a host of Sharpless HII objects, open clusters and dark nebulae.

To see a starless image, click here

Exposure Data

Date: 12/8/ - 12/9/23
Location: Little Blair Valley, Anza Borrego Desert, CA
Telescope: Rokinon 135mm lens at f/4
Camera: ZWO ASI294mm pro with Antlia 3nm narrowband filters. Off-axis guiding using a Takahashi FSQ 106 and STi guide camera.
Mount: AP 1100 CP3
Exposure times: 2 hrs (8 x 15 min) each of Ha, OIII, SII in 15-minute subexposures. 2x2 binning
Exposure time total: 6 hours
False color mapped to RGB using the Hubble palette SII=red; Ha=green; and OIII=blue.



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