NGC1499: California Nebula in Perseus



Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Magnitude: 6
Constellation: Perseus
Distance: 1,000 light years
This nebula stretches nearly 2.5 degrees.  Hβ  radiation from nearby young energetic O7.5 III giant, Xi Persei excites the surrounding gases. The shape of the ionized gas clouds resembles the state of California. In this image, Xi Persei (aka Menkib) is the very bright white star above and to the right of the OIII coud.

Exposure Data

Date: 10/21 and 10/25/22
Location: Lockwood Observatory 2, Descanso,  CA
Telescope: Rokinon 135 lens at f/4; Guided through an FSQ106
Camera: ZWO ASI294 with Astronomik narrowband filters (6 nm); STi guide camera
Mount: AP1100 CP3
Exposure times: 17 x 10 min of Ha; 13 x 10 min SII and 18 x 10 min OIII
Exposure time total: 8 hrs
Notes: Binned 2x2
Cropped, FOV = 6.91 deg x 4.74 deg
False color, mapped using the Hubble palette with Ha=green; SII = red, and OIII=blue



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