IC2177 Seagull Nebula


IC 2177

Object Data

Object type: Emission Nebula
Magnitude: 15.2
Constellation: Monoceros
Distance: 3,650 light years
Notes: Also cataloged as Gum 1; Two open clusters can  be seen in this region: NGC 2335 and 2343

Exposure Data

Date: 2/4 - 2/5/21
Location: Backyard Observatory, Carlsbad, CA
Telescope: FSQ106 Refractor;  fl = 530 mm at f/5
Camera: QSI 683-wsg-8 with Astronomik Filters
Mount: Losmandy G-11 Gemini 1
Exposure time: Ha:  15 x 15min, RGB: 14 x 3 min each
Exposure time total: 5.85 hrs
FOV = 117 x 87 arcmin 


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