IC443: Jellyfish Nebula


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IC443: Jellyfish Nebula

Object Data

Object type: Supernova Remnant
Constellation: Gemini
Distance: 5,000  light-years
Notes: The bright star at top is Propus

Exposure Data

Date: 12/15- 12/29/20
Location: Backyard Observatory, Carlsbad, CA
Telescope: Takahashu FSQ106; 540mm at f/5
Camera: QSI 683-wsg with Astronomik 6nm narrowband filters
Mount: Losmandy G-11 Gemini I
Exposure time: Ha 16 x 15min / OIII  8 x 15min/  SII 8 x15min
Exposure time total: 8 hrs
Notes: Color mapped by assigning Ha to R, SII to green, OIII to B
FOV = 97 x 78 arcmin


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